The world of academia is difficult to navigate, making effective mentorship critical to student success. Whether you are trying to understand how to be a good mentor yourself, or you want to learn more about what is expected of you as a mentee, the resources below serve as a jumping off point to understanding this important professional relationship.
Resources for Graduate Student Mentees
As with any personal or professional relationship, mentoring is a two-way street; even the best mentor cannot be effective without equal effort from their mentee. See below for some resources on how to establish and maintain a positive mentor-mentee relationship.
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Finding the Right Mentors
Establishing Expectations
Additional Resources
Resources for Graduate Student Mentors
Great mentorship is important at every stage of one’s academic development. As a graduate student mentor to an undergraduate, the relationship you build and work you do with your mentee will likely be their introduction to the world of academia, so it’s important to make the experience a positive one.
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